Machinery & Technical Specialties

ASA's Machinery and Technical Specialties (MTS) educational offerings cover a range of topics from foundation-building Principles of Valuation (POV) courses to advanced curriculum on specialized topics.  Courses are offered in a variety of formats to meet the needs of busy and discerning students - choose from self-study, live virtual, traditional in-person, or a blended learning experience.

MTS Course Notice: ASA's MTS Principles of Valuation (POV) courses (ME201 - ME204) are undergoing a major revamp and NEW courses will be launching in the fall of 2024. To ensure a smooth transition, we are here to help! The four LEGACY MTS POV courses will be phasing out. If you're currently working through these LEGACY courses, we encourage you to complete the four-course series as soon as possible. If you have any concerns about your course completion timeline, please send us an email at
MTS Legacy POV Course Frequently Asked Questions

Upcoming Classes & Webinars


ME201 and 202 ondemand courses are currently undergoing development. For more information regarding course self-study options, contact