S-FVC24 BV - ESG and Investor Returns: Why Should We Care?
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Session Description
As the ESG regulatory landscape continues to evolve, companies must consider how to comply and respond to these regulatory requirements, while balancing broader stakeholder expectations. The SEC has recently adopted a nearly 900-page rule requiring registrants to disclose climate-related risks. In late 2023, California issued two climate-related bills that require companies of certain size with sales in the state to disclose greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related risks. Sustainability disclosure requirements in Europe and elsewhere in the globe will also impact many U.S. companies. The IVSC has recently revised its International Valuation Standards (IVS 2025), with one of the key changes being the consideration of ESG factors in valuation. Carla Nunes will be discussing the results of Kroll’s “ESG and Global Investor Returns Study” and what this means for investors. Carla will also highlight some of the current ESG and sustainability regulatory developments to watch for and how they may become relevant for valuation professionals. Carla will conclude with a brief discussion on whether ESG can be incorporated in the valuation of a business or investment.
Carla Nunes, Managing Director | Kroll Inc.
Continuing Education
Review of this session recording will award 1 CE hour.
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