RP129 How to Expand Your Appraisal Practice
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Webinar Description
Are you not offering areas of valuation services which could expand your appraisal practice?
This session will provide the knowledge about areas where real property appraisers can expand their appraisal practice by offering new types and areas of valuation services.
Learn insights into areas of valuation services you’re not currently offering to your clients and gain the knowledge and competence to offer these services to potential clients that desire these specialty services. Areas for both residential appraisers and commercial appraisers will be reviewed and discussed.
Continuing Education (CE) Information
This webinar will award 2.4 ASA CE hours.
This webinar has not been approved by any state for real property appraiser continuing education hours.
Learning Objectives
- Learn insights into new areas of valuation services currently not being offered and how and where to gain the knowledge and competence to offer these services
- Learn about the differences of an appraisal for the secondary mortgage market and an ERC (relocation) appraisal and how to competently do an ERC report
- Learn the basics about tax appeal assignments, such as client base, scope of work, and effective date for appeals
- Review appraisals and litigation support, and how to gain the knowledge to offer these valuation services
- Learn the difference in a typical commercial property and a property with a Going Concern value, and how to competently do a Going Concern appraisal
- What is a Yellow Book (Federal Land Acquisition) appraisal and how to competently do a Yellow Book appraisal?

Robert J. Luciani, ASA, IFA
Training Supervisor
City of Philadelphia Office of Property Assessment
Robert J. Luciani, ASA, IFA is the training supervisor for the City of Philadelphia's Office of Property Assessment. He is also a member of ASA's Real Property-NAIFA Committee and an AQB-certified USPAP instructor.
William P. (Bill) Wilson III, FASA, CRP, CG-02
William P. Wilson Company
Mr. Wilson has extensive commercial and residential appraisal experience. He is an AQB Certified USPAP instructor, Past Chairman of the Real Property Committee of the American Society of Appraisers and previously served on the Tennessee Real Estate Appraisers Commission for six years.