PP155 Securing Your Electronic Appraisal Report
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- Non-Member - $59
- Member - $39
Webinar Description
Technology has made it simpler and faster to deliver electronic appraisal reports to our clients. Have you considered the security of your report and your signature? Join ASA’s Sharlyne Tsai, Director of Information Technology, and Razvan Miutescu, partner at the law firm of Whiteford, Taylor and Preston, to discover potential security issues you need to address to protect the integrity of your work product. This webinar will help you identify potential security issues within your client delivery process and steps you can take to guard your reports from misuse.
Webinar Audience
All appraisers who prepare electronic reports.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Apply discussed techniques to protect your electronic reports
- Recognize weaknesses in the security of your electronic reports
- Implement procedures to secure your electronic signature
- Review available platforms to sign and send your reports

Sharlyne Tsai, PMP
Director of IT
American Society of Appraisers
Sharlyne Tsai, PMP has been with ASA for over 10 years serving as the Director of IT overseeing telecommunications, information architecture, and IT strategy. She received her bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and Biochemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and earned her Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification in 2016. She has over 20 years of experience working in the technology field and providing guidance, innovative solutions, and knowledge on technology including cybersecurity and data protection.

Razvan Miutescu
Whiteford, Taylor and Preston
Raz is a partner with the law firm of Whiteford, Taylor and Preston. He is an experienced technology and information governance attorney. He assists nonprofit and for-profit clients with digital transactions, privacy and data security, information technology transactions + licensing, distributed ledgers + blockchain, digital media + ecommerce, and related regulatory and compliance matters. He has been a co-chair of the Data Privacy, Cyber Security & Technology subcommittee of the Maryland State Bar Association since 2015.