ME162-WEB Appraising 'Off-Book' Aircraft: Managing all of the Necessary Value Components

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Webinar Description

The purpose of this webinar is to instruct aircraft appraisers how to develop an opinion of value for any aircraft that is not covered by any of the online, and published Value Guides. After participating in this webinar, students will have both the confidence, and the tools necessary to develop an opinion of value for an “off-Book” aircraft.

Learning Outcomes

Upon webinar completion, the participant will be able to:

  • Develop opinion of value;
  • Provide insight;
  • Cite tools an appraiser can use; and
  • Demonstrate and pass on confidence.

Webinar Audience

Aircraft appraisers

Instructor Information

Jeremy R.C. Cox | JetValues

Known in the Industry as ‘JetValues Jeremy’, he is very active in the aviation industry. Currently holds a valid A&P, IA, and FCC Licenses and a Commercial Pilots' Certificate with Instrument Rating. As a former member of the Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers and Technologists, Jeremy was elected by the Royal Aeronautical Society as a Technician of the Society in 1987. During his varied career, Mr. Cox has been very active within the Greater St. Louis Business Aviation Association, National Business Aviation Association, the Popular Flying Association, the Experimental Aircraft Association; and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.


Webinar Course Certificate
2.40 CE credits  |  Certificate available
2.40 CE credits  |  Certificate available Open certificate for the option to print.
ME162 - Appraising 'Off-Book' Aircraft
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