LIV23 BV - Shareholder Disputes in the U.S. and Abroad: Differences, Similarities and Trends
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Session Description
Shareholder disputes have been around as long as there have been shareholders. However, over time, shareholder disputes have evolved from run of the mill disputes about value to a sophisticated activist shareholders putting pressure on multinational corporations. From Delaware to Dover and Canada to the Cayman Islands and beyond, shareholder disputes have attracted big money resulting in complex legal and valuation issues. This session will highlight the differences, similarities, and trends in shareholder disputes in the U.S. and abroad, primarily Canada, England and Cayman Islands where a number of shareholder disputes have been tried and reported.
Neil J. Beaton, CPA/ABV/CFF, CFA, ASA | Managing Director | Alvarez & Marsa
William F. Dolan | Partner | Jones Day
Continuing Education
Review of this session recording will award 1 CE hour.
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