BV530 Valuation Provisions in Buy-Sell Agreements
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- Non-Member - $149
- Member - $119
Webinar Description
Often, the owners of a closely held business have entered into a buy-sell agreement among themselves and the business entity. A buy-sell agreement effectively serves as a prenuptial agreement among investors -- reflecting the parties' relative rights and "ground rules" regarding the purchase or sale an ownership interest in the business upon certain triggering events such as the termination, retirement, or death of an owner. This webinar will explore the various types of buy-sell agreements; commonly-encountered pricing mechanisms and processes; and valuable "practice points" designed to avoid confusion and conflict, and increase the opportunity for a reasonable, timely, and cost-effective resolution.
Learning Outcomes
Upon webinar completion, the participant will be able to:
- Communicate effectively with business owners and/or counsel when presented with a buy-sell valuation opportunity;
- Differentiate between the various forms of valuation analyst processes commonly found in buy-sell agreements;
- Maximize the opportunity for effective resolution of potential conflicts that arise when buy-sell valuation provisions are triggered; and
- Recognize the potential pitfalls of buy-sell agreements so that they can be successfully navigated and/or avoided.
Course Audience
Business appraisers, business owners, attorneys involved in the drafting or execution of buy-sell agreements
Instructor Information
Jeffrey S. Tarbell, ASA | Houlihan Lokey
Jeffrey S. Tarbell, ASA, CFA, is director of financial and valuation advisory at Houlihan Lokey. He has over 30 years of experience in valuation and financial opinions. Mr. Tarbell has been a designated member of ASA for 25 years, and an active volunteer with numerous leadership positions, including most notably serving as the current Region 5 Governor of the ASA Board of Governors Committee and the past Chair of ASA’s Business Valuation Discipline Committee. He is also an expert witness, instructor, author and frequent speaker.
Z. Christopher Mercer, FASA | Mercer Capital
Chris is the Chairman of Mercer Capital. He began his valuation career in the late 1970s and he has prepared, overseen, or contributed to hundreds of valuations for purposes related to tax, ESOPs, buy-sell agreements, and litigation, among others. In addition, he has served on the boards of directors of several private companies and one public company. He enjoys working with business owners to address ownership transition issues. Chris is a prolific author on valuation-related topics, including Buy-Sell Agreements for Closely Held and Family Business Owners (Peabody Publishing, 2010).
Continuing Education
Review of this session recording will award 2 CE hour(s).
CPE credit is not awarded for this pre-recorded offering.