BV188 Valuation for M&A
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Webinar Description
Most owners and managers operate their businesses without ever knowing what their company is worth, how much more a strategic buyer would pay to acquire it, what factors affect the company’s equity value, and whether they would be better off selling or exiting in some other fashion. This session will discuss how understanding the value of your business helps you improve and build the business. In doing so, we will cover the metrics needed to measure company value, maximize that value, determine their return on investment in their company as part of their overall investment strategy, and how value depends on the many exit options available to business owners. This webinar is geared more toward the users of business valuation and valuation consulting services than it is to experienced business appraisers. The focus of this webinar will be on lower middle market closely-held businesses (i.e., with enterprise value ranging from $5 million to $100 million).
Recommended Pre-Reading
Based on "Valuation for M&A: Building and Measuring Private Company Value" 3rd edition (Wiley, 2018) by Chris M. Mellen and Frank C. Evans
Webinar Audience
Business owners - especially those contemplating an M&A or other exit - and their financial executives, board members, and advisors (accounting, legal, wealth management, exit planning). Valuation experts providing pre-M&A and exit consulting services to their clients
Instructor Information
Chris M. Mellen, ASA | Valuation Research Corporation
Chris M. Mellen is a Managing Director with Valuation Research Corporation, leading its Boston office. Prior to joining VRC, he was the president and founder of Delphi Valuation Advisors, Inc., which he ran for 15 years and sold to VRC in 2015. His experience includes involvement in over 3,000 valuations of closely held businesses, professional practices and intangible assets over nearly 30 years in a wide range of industries. He currently serves on the Appraisal Issues Task Force and the faculty of the International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists (IACVS). Chris is co-author of ASA’s BV301 seminar on Intangible Asset Valuation and author of the third edition of the book VALUATION FOR M&A: BUILDING AND MEASURING PRIVATE COMPANY VALUE, published by Wiley in 2018. Chris has also published over 40 articles on valuation-related matters, led over 100 seminars, and provided expert testimony in court. He holds the ASA, MCBA, CVA, ICVS, ABAR, and CM&AA designations.
Learning Outcomes
Upon webinar completion, the participant will be able to:
- Illustrate how to build value in your business while running it;
- Examine ways to manage and enhance company value in daily operations, as well as at the time of an M&A transaction;
- Help clients understand the range of values as determined by the exit channel;
- Determine private company return on investment (ROI) a business owner's overall investment strategy; and
- Use the balance sheet to maximize returns.