AR209 Appraisal Review Report Writing Tutorial Workshop
- Registration Closed
Course Description
Elevate Your ARM Designation Journey with Confidence.
This comprehensive course provides tutorial assistance for current ARM methodology, ensuring an ability to excel in appraisal review development and appraisal review report writing. This one-day tutorial class is streamlined and condensed to equip members with the essential knowledge for composing an appraisal review report in compliance with USPAP, CUSPAP, IVS, and appropriate standards of care. Register today and reach the finish line for earning the coveted ARM designation.
Course Highlights
- Expedited Learning: This course delivers cutting-edge ARM methodology efficiently, empowering you with the skills and insights needed throughout your ARM designation journey.
- Competency Assurance: Walk away from this workshop with a clear and confident understanding of how to assess competency for each appraisal review assignment.
- Standard of Care Mastery: Learn how to measure works under review against the appropriate standard of care, ensuring your appraisal reports meet highest professional standards.
- USPAP, CUSPAP, and IVS Compliance: Gain expertise in writing appraisal review reports in compliance with USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice), CUSPAP (Canadian Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice) and IVS (International Valuation Standards).
- Appraisal Review Report Development: Master the creation of a professional appraisal review report, which is a key component in your journey towards the ARM accreditation, as well as moving forward in providing successful appraisal review services.
Course Purpose
- Fostering Public Trust: The demand for consistent, credible, and impartial appraisal reviews, both nationally and globally, is imperative to cultivate and uphold Public Trust.
- Enhancing Legal Soundness: Given the frequent need for appraisal reviews in litigation, it is of utmost importance that appraisers possess the education, training, knowledge, or analytical skills required to objectively assess and provide an opinion for works under review, in a manner that is credible and worth of belief.
- Broadening Appraisal Practice: Appraisers pursue the ARM designation for a trio of key objectives: Firstly, to broaden their horizons and explore new business opportunities. Secondly, to elevate their standing as expert witnesses, enhancing their credibility in this role. Lastly, to hone their skills and become more proficient appraisers overall.
- Proficient Appraisal Review Report Development: This course is designed to guide participants in the creation of appraisal review reports that adhere to appropriate standards of care, and include the ASA ARM methodology that provides a pathway to success. ARM methodology provides professionals with an efficient appraisal review report writing process, in order to serve clients, intended users, and triers of fact.
Course Audience
This foundational course is tailor-made for candidates pursuing an ARM designation. It is also ideal for seasoned ASAs from various disciplines looking to expand their expertise by adding the ARM designation and honing their report-writing skills. Additionally, this workshop is open to professionals who have already earned their ARM designation and are seeking to stay up-to-date with the latest appraisal review report methodologies.
Class Date/Time
Thursday, May 30, 2024 10:00am-6:00pm Eastern US
Registration Includes
- One registrant log-in to the live sessions
- Electronic student materials
Class Format - Live, Virtual
Students will attend this live, virtual class via the internet as a remote participant. Students share the same educational experience as if they were in the classroom and can participate just as if they were attending physically. Be sure to review the Virtual FAQs before registering to learn more about this educational format and what to expect.
Learning Level
Continuing Education (CE) Credit
This class provides seven (7) hours of CE.
Learning Outcomes
Throughout this course, participants will engage with and apply the following concepts:
- Thorough examination and application of USPAP Standards 3 and 4.
- In-depth understanding of USPAP Rules, including Scope of Work, Ethics, Competency, Record Keeping, and Jurisdictional Exception.
- Comprehensive knowledge of the Ethics Rule, emphasizing impartiality, objectivity, and independence.
- Proficiency in applying the Competency Rule.
- Skillful application of relevant USPAP standards to evaluate key components of the work under review.
- Familiarity with the ASA ARM Committee Competency Statement.
- Mastery of the IRAC and CRAC format to initiate the appraisal review report writing process.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Analyze a redacted appraisal report using the IRAC and CRAC format.
- Craft a well-defined purpose and intended use for the review report.
- Accurately determine and utilize relevant dates in a review assignment.
- Skillfully assess the work under review, applying the IRAC and CRAC format to begin the appraisal review report writing process while ensuring compliance with applicable USPAP standards.
- Provide a well-informed opinion on CAARR elements (3-3a & 3-3b) as per USPAP guidelines.
- Formulate a comprehensive Scope of Work for the review.
- Prepare a draft of a written appraisal review report and develop an opinion on USPAP compliance for the work under review.
- Comprehend the components and use of the reviewer’s certification.
- Examine report structures, including all required and suggested content.
- Study multiple review reports to understand form, format, and style preferences.
- Discuss various editing options for creating unbiased, disinterested, and objective reviews, without relying on boilerplate language.
- Courses - Be sure you have completed both AR201 and AR204 and the 2020-21 (or later) USPAP course (the 2020-21 course has been extended until December 31, 2023).
- Appraisal Reports - You must possess two (2) redacted appraisal reports from your specific area of practice. One (1) of these reports will be the work under review for your accreditation report (if applicable). Both reports must be authored by another appraiser, should claim to be in compliance with USPAP and should exhibit deficiencies or areas for improvement.
- Current USPAP Manual* - You should have access to a current USPAP manual, either in print or electronic format.
- USPAP Familiarity - It is expected that you have thoroughly read and highlighted key phrases in the USPAP Ethics Rule, Competency Rule, Scope of Work Rule, Standards 3 and 4 and any additional standards relevant to your area of practice.
- Download Materials - Please download the necessary course materials from the ASA website by logging in, going to "My ASA Courses" on the top left, clicking "All Courses," selecting "AR209," and navigating to the "Handouts" tab.
*We strongly recommend you print a hard copy of the USPAP Manual as it will be the primary reference document for this course. Having a physical copy of the Manual, while keeping other documents on your electronic device, will facilitate effective simultaneous use of multiple documents during the class.
Pre-Reading Assignment
Before the course begins, please read the "Purpose and Course Objectives" section under the 'Course Description' tab. Upon completion, be prepared to answer the following questions:
- Class Needs - What specific objectives or knowledge are you aiming to achieve from this course to enhance your professional practice?
- Professional Contributions - What valuable insights or experiences from your own practice do you anticipate sharing and contributing to the course discussions?
- Concerns and Questions - Do you have any concerns or questions about the course material, format or expectations that you'd like to address during the class?

Melanie Modica, ASA, ARM
Modica Fine Art
Melanie Modica, ASA, ARM
Melanie is the owner of Modica Fine Art LLC, in Houston, Texas. She is an art appraiser and has specialized experience as an appraisal reviewer for personal property, and as an appraisal manager. She offers art appraisals and personal property appraisal reviews, and offers litigation support as a consultant and an expert witness. Ms. Modica first joined ASA in 2010 and currently holds the Accredited Senior Appraiser designation. She is an instructor for ASA’s AR204 Application and Report Writing class and assisted in the creation of the new FourARM program by developing the new AR203 Managing Multifaceted Assignments POV class. Melanie is an active volunteer with numerous leadership positions including most notably serving as current ARM Committee Vice Chair, and President of the Houston Chapter, as well as having served as a past chapter President, and was the creator of the ARM eJournal.
All course materials included with your registration are PDF Download Only items made available to students prior to the start of the class and are not for resale or distribution. All downloadable class materials are accessible via your class Handouts tab. Once eMaterials have been posted for download, the class is no longer refundable.
Accessing eMaterials
eMaterials are provided electronically in PDF format and posted to the class within class Handouts tab for all registrants to securely access prior to the start of the class. Attendees should come to class prepared with an electronic or printed copy of all eMaterials to use as a reference. OnDemand course registrants receive access to materials immediately following registration.
PDF course materials are presented in color, are bookmarked and comment enabled. When opting to print downloaded materials, it is recommended that personal print settings be adjusted to print in black and white (or grayscale) and consider printing double-sided on recycled paper.
Certificate of Completion
Please allow 5-10 business day following successful completion of the course or final exam to receive a formal status notification and access to a certificate of completion. The certificate will be available to view and download/print from within the class Certificate tab.