AR129 - How Assessors Should Select an Appraiser and Evaluate their Report

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Webinar Description

Wednesday, February 8, 2023
1:00pm - 3:00pm Eastern US

 This webinar takes the Assessor through how to evaluate outstanding Appeals, source appraisers suitable to their needs, manage negotiations in obtaining an engagement letter and how to review the appraisal report once delivered. Sample engagement letters and reports are part of the curriculum. The review section is a class discussion where students are encourage to contribute and may be called upon for opinions.

Webinar Audience

Assessors in communities experiencing appeals from taxpayers which are sizable enough to warrant the hiring of an appraiser to appraise the properties and potentially testify upon it in a Trial.

General Webinar Information

Must have completed the 15 hour USPAP Course.

System Requirements

To ensure the best ASA webinar experience, be sure to download the Zoom app on your device before the webinar begins.

Continuing Education (CE) Information

This webinar will award 2.0 CE hours.

If you are a designated member of the American Society of Appraisers, CE credit will automatically be entered into your record ONLY if you participate in the live webinar. Please allow approximately 2 weeks post-webinar for ASA to notify participants via email regarding a certificate of completion.



-Abatement Review and stratification
-Appraiser Associations and their search engines
-Engagement letters and the scope of work
-ARM, Appraisal Review Management
-Real Estate Appraisal Review
-Personal Property Appraisal Review

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

Assessors completing the webinar will differentiate appraisers more fitting to their valuation issue.
Identify and negotiate the work to be completed in the engagement contract. Develop a method to review reports that will stand up in court. Apply evaluating reports in accord with USPAP for real estate and personal property.

Richard J. Conti, ASA, ARM, PP

Conti Estates

Richard is the Chair of the Board of Assessors in Taunton, Massachusetts. He is a Certified Massachusetts Real Estate Instructor and in the past he has conducted an ASA Webinar, "Reasoning and Logic for Valuation Professionals", January 2015, Assistant Instructor, Appraisal Management Review (ARM) Course 201, American Society of Appraisers Chicago IL March, 2014 and ARM Course 204, Savannah, GA August 2014, Auction Marketing Institute, Course 201, appraisal sample and case history, San Diego, CA, Attleboro, Attleboro Bar Association "Good Attorneys & Good Appraisers" Selected to present an appraisal seminar at the 2005 Annual Conference of the National Auctioneers Association, 2015 and 2016 American Society of Appraisers International Conventions. ASA Boston Chapter 2004 Personal Property Appraisal Caucus instructor with others. 


Join Webinar AR129
02/08/2023 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  120 minutes
02/08/2023 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  120 minutes Join Live Webinar PASSCODE: 406512
Webinar wrap-up
AR129 Survey
10 Questions
AR129 Course Certificate
2.00 CE credits  |  Certificate available
2.00 CE credits  |  Certificate available Open certificate for the option to print.