2025 ASA Property Tax Conference
Includes a Live Web Event on 06/18/2025 at 10:00 AM (EDT)
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- Non-Member - $349
- Member - $239
More About This Event
ASA Member Price: $249 | Non-Member Price $349
Wednesday, June 18, 2025
Unlock Insights. Enhance Your Expertise.
Join appraisers, property tax consultants, assessors, and attorneys to the first-ever ASA Property Tax Valuation Conference—a dynamic virtual event designed to deepen your understanding of complex property tax issues and sharpen your valuation strategies.
Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your expertise in property tax valuation, stay current on industry best practices and legal considerations and engage with seasoned professionals and thought leaders—all from the convenience of your home or office.
Secure your spot today and elevate your approach to property tax valuation!
This event offers up to 5 hours of ASA CE credit and will be recorded.
Conference Chairs
Jamie Allen, ASA | Director, Property Tax - National Complex | Ryan
Tim Roy, ASA | Senior Appraiser | Capitale Analytics
Virtual Platform
This conference is being held via Zoom. Please be sure to review Zoom's System Requirements. See the Event Access tab to join the live virtual conference after registering.
Thank you to our sponsors for supporting this important event!
1:00pm - 1:05pm
Jamie Allen, ASA | Director, Property Tax - National Complex | Ryan, LLC
1:05pm - 1:10pm
ASA Update
Guillermo Ortiz de Zárate | Chief Executive Officer | ASA
1:10pm - 2:10pm
Personal Property Tax Basics for MTS Appraisers
Jaclyn Cannici, ASA | Managing Director | DuCharme, McMillan & Associates, Inc.
This presentation will cover the basics of property tax, with a focus on personal property (machinery & equipment) at locally-assessed industrial properties. We will also explore similarities and differences between a property tax assessment and an appraisal, as well as what an ASA should consider when preparing an appraisal report for use in a Property Tax matter.
2:10pm - 3:10pm
Property Tax Valuation: Adding Value without Adding Value
John Ray | Senior Vice President | BVA Group
Most taxing jurisdictions go through the motions when valuing business personal property. Taxpayers submit their rendition, or list of assets and cost basis, only for the taxing authorities to at best, apply published depreciation tables and at worst, feed the data into a Byzantine black box. Most depreciation tables only account for physical depreciation and do not consider functional or economic obsolescence. The cost approach to value stops one third the way through the valuation process. This is incorrect. However, if the jurisdiction applies this methodology uniformly wrong to all taxpayers it is considered proper.
3:10pm - 3:20pm
3:20pm - 4:20pm
The Intersection of Real and Personal Property>
Ashley Moore | Senior Manager, Property Tax Complex | Ryan, LLC
The classification of property is critical to ensure accurate property tax treatment. The intersection of real property and personal property poses a particularly unique classification challenge that can have a material impact on value and taxability.
4:20pm - 5:20pm
Preparing for Deposition and/or Trial and What to Expect
Kevin Reilly, ASA | Managing Partner | evcValuation LLC
Preparing for Deposition and/or Trial is key when determining success. Also understanding what to expect, knowing the key factors, and grasping the best process for preparing will help lead to confidence and credible testimony. Join us for a comprehensive hour of learning the keys to preparing, the potential pitfalls, and tips/tricks for successful testimony.
*Agenda subject to change.
Group Discounts
A 10% discount off the current, applicable registration fee is available for five or more individuals registering from the same organization. Individuals must be registered as a group to qualify for the discount. For additional details and instructions on how to register, please contact ASA Member Services at +1 800-272-8258 or +1 703-478-2228 or via e-mail at asainfo@appraisers.org.