2024 IAC RP - Appraisal Technology
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- Non-Member - $69
- Member - $49
Session Description
This session will provide an overview of techniques and tools used today to solve the appraisal problem as well as prepare and deliver the appraisal report. It will offer a simulated commercial property presentation utilizing the techniques and tools that can be used out in the field to complete property inspections aiding in the development and preparation of an appraisal report. Technology as it affects appraisal production and problem-solving will be showcased while highlighting firsthand knowledge of what appraisers can do to improve the quality of their appraisals. We will also discuss the pitfalls associated with slow adoption and ways to improve the adoption process, which directly relates to recruiting new talent. Several tools available on the internet will be presented to help appraisers improve their use of modern, up-to-date information resources. Appraisal technology is changing fast. Learn to leverage technologies to save time and function as a team while working on your reports.
Grant Norling, MAI | Co-Founder | Valcre
Continuing Education
Review of this session recording will award 1.8 CE hour.
CPE credit is not awarded for this pre-recorded offering.